In the meeting room coordination activities PETI impact, in the Office of Regional Development Planning Board (Bappeda) of Riau Province, late last February, revealed how semrawutnya settlement persolan PETI in Kuangsing. Some officers who seek an excuse for not menertibkan PETI. "Can-can house burnt," he said.
PETI is now a threat to the life of the people who rely on their lives from the fishery sector. That's why keramba farmers, farmers' ponds pembenihan people, even Central Fish seed Teso confess activities already-stagnant stagnating. Even the research results of water quality in the Central Fish seed in the Teso and the flow of children indicates the location of River sekitaran heavy metals such as Mercury / Air mercury (Hg) far diambang standard of quality. In time, the metal mercury will terakumulasi on the biota, both plant and hewannya.
This condition must be diwaspadai. Many reports related to the case of Mercury, and is known as Minamata disease. Minamata disease is a disease caused by a nerve poison metilmerkuri. Early symptoms are anesthetized limb and the area around the heel, interference senses and difficulty in doing activities seharihari. In addition, patients also experienced a lack of coordination between the nerve, weakness and tremor, the ability to speak and slow and weak ability to view and hearing less. Disease worsen and cause paralysis, movement outside of awareness, brain damage and death.
At the light, people complain not so immune mouth sensitive to temperature and taste, the nose does not smell sensitive, easily tired and get headaches often. In the heavy, sarafnya people fell ill, including the brain, so it can not control the movement of the hands and feet, to deaf ears ring, the eyes narrow perspective, and talking difficult. It is chilling that many babies born with congenital defects. Metil mercury is dangerous for pregnant women.
In the story, July 2003 penambang gold Wonogiri in the area of traditional use of white mercury to separate gold from other metals. Mercury is silvery white and the liquid gold will be binding, while the other metals will tersisihkan. Mixture of mercury and gold are placed in a cup made of ceramic. In the cup dihembuskan flame. The distance between the flame with the nose approximately 10 cm. At the time of the flame to burn a mixture of mercury and gold, mercury vapor and liquid metal gold behind. At the time of the metal mercury vapor, mercury vapor is very possible to be terhisap by workers. If exposure continues this will lead to death and poisoned.
PETI activities in Kuansing fact has long been the case. But now condition worse again. Given that the perpetrators of PETI in Jambi also Hijrah to Kuansing. Given that since two years ago, activity in the River Batanghari stopped by all in the Province is related. Due to the threat from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries memfinalti Jambi and Fisheries, that the funds will not run down the State Budget for the development activities have keramba while PETI.
PETI Maraknya and realize the impact of bad events for the environment and man, the Head of Fisheries District Kuansing already reported the matter to the local officials. Various coordination meetings in the District has now done. Until finally there are eight points in the agreement Pemkab Kuansing. The idea must be stopped PETI, penambang will be built, and the local penambang will dialihkerjakan to other sectors. End of the specified limit of 31 March 2008.