Malay Music Institute

Malay Music Institute

An Institute Malays who are present in providing a positive contribution to the Malays in particular progress Music and Culture of Riau Malays generally.

Malay Music Institute (MMI), founded in 2003, is a unique institution in the field of conservation and Cultural Strategy Melayu. Setakat has run the program - the program which, among other works such as:


Klinik Music
Klinik Music


Workshop Lets The Children Playing
Workshop Lets The Children Playing

Hopefully what the MMI in preserving, documenting, developing and publishing music Malays always get a place in people's hearts Melayu Raya and most importantly the continued support both in terms of material and brainstorm.

If there are some messages or questions, can directly come or contact the Malay Music Institute at telephone number +62 761 7016227. Greeting to all those who continue and with a high dedication to support Malay Music Institute in realizing the vision and mission.

Source: Malay Music Institute

Spinner game in Tanjungpinang

Spinner Games is no stranger in this archipelago, because a top is one of the oldest traditional games in Indonesia. Each region has its own characteristics played on top in the area. This time we'll talk about the game in Tanjungpinang Spinner, an island which is closely related to Budaya Melayu.

In the area of Tanjung Pinang, exactly in the village of Manisa, BARANTI Sidrap, has the uniqueness of kazoos being played, some form of tops including: made'pak (Grease) and Malongke (Skinny) with a height of 9 to 10.5 cm, body diameter: 6 -- 6.5 cm, weight around 18 to 20.7 cm and weight: 147 - 200 grams.

Material / type of wood to make a top digunkan is Ace - Ace.

Top game on the ground are usually solid, smooth, not cracked, and no grass to the size of a tennis court + wide rectangular.

The game tops in Tanjungpinang played by the children / teens / parents with a number of players according to agreement. The system can match the team and individual. Rules of the game play is dead at the system and played system.

Spinner + Making + in + Tanjungpinang

When a player according shared among the players kesepakatn. Supporting equipment to play a top rope length is 157 to 185 cm in diameter and 4 mm base, 2 mm tip. Materials primarily from ropes awaru fiber. Top rope making techniques: take two pieces of fiber Awaru, made a rope in mid + 4 cm, then made a rope + 4 mm (base) to end + mm (more Valentine vanishingly small)

How to play can be done in two ways, namely: first, Team 1 beat off all the tops, team 2 manade '(throw) distance Spinner Tj. Pinangtertentu, for example 10 meters installed all the top opponent later thrown, if any imposed, can point, followed again by at death. If there is no shot at the time mangade 'out dead or not held an exchange players. Second, along with playing a top player (autumn systems).

Interesting is not it? because in Indonesia, many different kinds of tops, I was interested in how to preserve it become collector Spinner, but until now has not materialized. Unfortunately, until now rarely played by Spinner Indonesian children. One form of this top game pelastarian I wrote in a posting Festival Gasing, Gasing 31 teams competed Ready. Hopefully this game does not live traditional names.

Source: Permainan Gasing di Tanjungpinang